LAW no. 203 of 20 July 2018 on measures to make fines more efficient contravention
On July 25 2018 it was published in the Official Gazette no. 647 Law no. 203 of 20 July 2018 on measures to make the payment of contravention fines more efficient.
The offender may pay up to half of the minimum fine provided by the normative act within 15 days from the date of handing over or communication of the minutes, the determining agent mentioning this possibility in the minutes. This provision shall apply from 24 August 2018.
This law regulates measures to facilitate the payment of contravention fines, as follows:
– the pilot system will be applied, for the start of road penalties, to the public road traffic regime applied to drivers;
– a single open account will be established at the State Treasury for the collection of contravention fines. Amounts earned in this unique account will be distributed, within 2 business days, to local administrative units (ATUs) where the offenders are domiciled;
– regulates the obligation to use a series of unique records of the reports on the finding of the contravention and the application of the sanction;
– the IT system for the management of electronic debt securities (fines) will be established;
– the cash payment of the contravention fines can be made at any unit of the State Treasury, in the cashiers of administrative / territorial units / subdivisions or in other entities that are established by the norms for the application of this law, irrespective of the place of residence of the natural person;
– the offender shall no longer be required to provide proof of payment to the determining agent or the body of which he is a party;
– the minutes of contravention drafted under the present law are archived at the level of the body of the investigating agent, without being sent in paper format to the competent fiscal bodies for their follow-up; the information related to these documents will be loaded by the founding bodies in the IT system for electronic debt management to be used by the enforcement bodies.
The above provisions apply from 1 January 2019.
In order to apply this pilot system, secondary normative acts (implementing rules) are to be issued. The rules for the application of this law shall be approved by Government decision until 31 December 2018.